Welcome to a deeply transformational experience for the modern sensitive empath woman who's ready to reclaim her energy, cultivate a fierce connection to herself and her purpose, amplify her sensitive powers, and make an impact in this world.
Your sensitivity is no accident. You are here to create powerful change. Sensitive empaths are the sages of society. The visionaries, intuits, healers. This world needs us to keep evolving. But for that to happen we must come to realize that our sensitivity is NOT our weakness. The truth is that you are actually VERY strong. It's just the societal conditioning that has made you feel you need to “toughen up.” Well, we have enough tough guys. What this world needs is TRUE strength- and that doesn't come from acting like nothing bothers you. It comes from being honest, open hearted and in touch with your emotions. All things that are natural to you.
The truth is that your sensitivity is actually a superpower. You are tapped into the dark places of the world so that you can see what needs healing most, and are deeply called to do something about it. You are inherently drawn to making a positive difference, wether on a global scale, or in your community, workplace, or home. Just like a modern day super heroine.
But like anyone with superpowers, you must learn how to work with them, rather than let them take you over. Your gifts are needed in this world. You are needed in this world. All of you. And through your own healing, you can then go out and heal other people, just by being who you are.
But, there’s a catch. To learn to activate your sensitive powers, weild them like a sorceress, and claim your inner badass potential- you have to give to YOU first. As empaths, we are naturally outward focused. Our intuitive antennae take in SO much information from the world around us. But to truly thrive, we must learn to tune our frequency back WITHIN first. And this means taking time for YOU, for inner exploration, powerful transformation, and deep self love.
It is not selfish to take time for yourself, despite what you may have grown up feeling. You have to learn to put your oxygen mask on first, which then allows you to give at an even greater capacity, WITHOUT feeling drained, overwhelmed or taken advantage of. Sensitive empaths are like orchids. We need special care. But once we give that to ourselves, we bloom beautifully.
Sensitive empaths are like orchids. We need special care. But once we give that to ourselves, we bloom beautifully.
your sensitivity is not a “curse”.
When you’re sensitive, it can feel like the volume on life is turned up all the way, all the time. You’ve learned to survive , but are overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted. You often feel suffocated by your ability to absorb the energies and emotions around you and are desperate for relief. It’s sometimes hard to know where you begin and others end. You know that your sensitivity could be a gift, but it can be challenging to see it that way as you are weighed down by ALL THE FEELS. You are sick and tired of being told you are “too much” and “too sensitive,” yet deep down inside you are starting to believe it. You want the freedom to be authentically yourself, but feel you have to hide parts of yourself to fit in and belong. With your natural inclination to always be there for others, you may have fallen out of touch with yourself, your wants, needs and your inner voice. You are spiritual, and hear a calling to make a difference in this world, but don’t know where to begin.
But did you know that your sensitivity also makes you naturally intuitive, compassionate, kind, perceptive, and creative. Your incredible sensory perception provides such levels of depth. You are able to almost instantly create soul connections with others. You are a natural healers and (yes), leader! But these things are hard to see, and enjoy, when we are in a tornado of emotional and energetic chaos.
All the things we try to cope… “toughening up,” being a social chameleon, people pleasing, perfectionism, hiding our true selves and feelings, numbing out with food or substances… it only makes us feel worse.
You are not broken. You are not crazy. You are not “too much”. And you are not alone.
It is possible to embody the fullest version of yourself as a sensitive empathic woman on this planet. It begins with changing the way you are relating to yourself and your sensitivity. Your sensitivity is your ingrained operating system, it is the lens through which you experience ALL of life (relationships, finances, career, health, happiness). But if you don’t know how to manage that system, then no wonder you feel so fried.

The key to this begins with your relationship with YOURSELF. Inner exploration. Building a fierce connection to your inner GPS system and intuition. Mastering your energy. And claiming your truth and purpose in this world.
It is essential for us to build deep and rich roots that allow us to continue to grow. Just like a plant, sometimes we need to be replanted. To expand the edges of our world… If we hide in our little pots, our roots (our soul connection) will wither and die. And I know it feels scary to push the boundaries of your edges and to come up from underground, but the truth is you can do that and still feel safe. And that is what this program is for. A safe container for tending to our garden and allowing us to bloom bigger. Uprooting the weeds (limiting beliefs, self doubt, negative self talk) that have crept in without our permission. And intentionally planting the flowers we desire (new belief systems, confidence, purpose).
“How can you hold things safe and steady with others if you don’t hold things safe and steady within yourself? How can you swim deep into a soul when you can’t grasp or ignite your own? This is why we do the work to become. Because, love. Because none of us are truly happy with shallow existences. But without first knowing ourselves, we’ll get trapped in tiny ponds. When all we ever longed for was the ocean, all along.”
Self healing changes everything in your life. When you work to heal your emotional wounds you are less susceptible to the energies of others. You can start to feel healthy and safe from the inside out. It’s not easy but after you do the work- it’s like there’s nothing that can touch you. The work changes everything.

It’s time to reclaim your energy. Your truth. Your dreams. Your magic and your power. IT’S YOUR TIME.
Every day we have the decision to keep doing things the way we always do, or to take a different path.
There is the path of feeling misunderstood and under appreciated. Of struggling to say “no” without crippling guilt. Of exhaustion from taking responsibility for other people’s problems, yet neglecting your own. Sacrificing your needs in favor of others. Struggling to carry the weight of emotional overload. Numbing out. Feeling unable to show ALL of you. Choosing to avoid conflict over standing up for your boundaries. Looking for worth and validation OUTSIDE of yourself. Being energetically depleted and feeling like your brain has too many tabs open.
And there is the path of choosing you first. Choosing your dreams, your healing, your growth. Exploring your purpose. Speaking your truth. Showing up unapologetically authentic and confident. Building a healthy coping toolkit. Making your own rules and cultivating a life and lifestyle that fits YOU. Amplifying your sensitive gifts and intuition. Harnessing your healing powers. Creating deeper alignment with your soul and your unique magic. Crafting radical self love. Calling in empowerment, embodiment, expansion, and self expression. Not just embracing your full potential, but taking RESPONSIBILITY for it.
And then taking that all back out to the world with you. Powerful, magical, aligned and on purpose. And this is why it is so imperative to give to yourself. To take time for transformational growth and soul work. To expand your life to be bigger and bolder and even more beautiful. And then to share this with others.
You are always there for everyone else. It’s time to show up for you. This program is a gift to yourself, like a retreat for your heart. Don't let another year go by without being the woman you want to be, feeling the way you want to feel, doing what you want to do, and making the difference you know you can!!!
You deserve all of the above. And it’s waiting for you. With open arms and an open heart.
A Sensitive Badass is a sensitive woman who OWNS her power. She understands her magical gift and knows how to work with it so it works FOR her. She is unapologetic about her deep feelings and getting her needs met. She knows she has a gift and she honors and respects that gift by caring for it diligently. She is empowered by her sensitivity and is using her superpower to make a positive mark in this world.

It isn't about overcoming, but rather owning and embracing your sensitive nature. Recoding your mindset on it, dismantaling societal conditioning, making your own rules, and taking a stand for the value in your unique gift. THAT'S where your power lies. Not in "toughening up." No, owning your gentleness AS your power. Not your weakness.
And all in a safe judgement free space where you will be truly seen and heard for who you are. Where you can be coached and taught new skills, systems, and tools through a unique methodology of emotional and energetic empowerment. In a community of badass sensitive women who GET you, 100%.
Doing this work has a massive ripple effect. Healed people heal people. Empowered people empower others. Grounded people ground others. People who speak their truth pave the way for others to step up and speak theirs. Empowered empaths are powerful AF and can have a massive impact on this world.
Together we will:
Dramatically shift your inner world to transform your outer experience
Cultivate a life that makes your soul proud
Claim your unique magic and step into your purpose
Supercharge your intuition
Heal your relationship with yourself
Weed out limiting beliefs and energetic blocks
Build emotional coping muscles
Master energy protection
Due to the intimate nature of this program, spaces are very limited. The Mentorship begins February 3rd, 2020

imagine GOING FROM…
Drained and exhausted all the time, to feeling calm, grounded and centered.
Reaching for food or substances to numb emotional overwhelm to having a healthy coping toolkit to rely on.
Trying to keep up with the pace of society to having a solid self care routine and lifestyle SPECIFICALLY crafted for sensitive empaths.
Being everyone's advocate except your own to standing up for yourself and speaking your truth without fear.
Feeling the need to control everything as an anchor in the chaos to being able to release perfectionism and self criticism in favor of authenticity and freedom.
Looking outside of yourself for cues that you are enough to validating your OWN worth from the inside out.
Struggling to ever say no to setting strong boundaries MINUS the guilt.
Feeling like you are just surviving some days to truly thriving and being able to live a life that feels magical EVERY DAY.
Being distracted from your inner world by the overload of information you take in, to being able to filter out the excess noise with ease and connect to what really matters.
Feeling like a sponge that absorbs everyone’s negativity to knowing how to channel your empathy intentionally.
Feeling weak, flawed and like "too much” to feeling empowered and like a total badass
Struggling to hear your soul to an unshakeable connection to your inner guidance system
Unsure of your place in this world to total clarity on your goals and connection to your life’s purpose.
I have walked this journey myself. I understand how it feels every step of the way. And I know the relief, freedom, ease and alignment that lies on the other side. I have been there, and it is now MY purpose to guide you along the way.

Hi. I’m Amber Rochelle, the Sensitive Badass®. I'm an intuitive life coach who helps highly sensitive and empathic women looking to maximize the benefits and minimize the challenges of their gifts so that they can gain confidence, fulfill their purpose and find their own inner badass.
I’ve been where you are. I have walked this journey myself. And now I am here to walk beside you on yours. This work up-leveled my life beyond my wildest dreams and I believe in it with all of my heart and soul. (Read more of my personal journey here).
My job is not to tell you what to do. My job is to help you clear the cobwebs in your path so you can reconnect to the part of yourself that KNOWS the truth. I can’t fix your world for you. But I can equip you with a magical toolbox of coping strategies and skills. I can hold your hand and help you navigate life in a way that works FOR you as a sensitive empath. I can hold space for your growth into your highest potential. I can help you build the resilience to ride the waves of the ocean of life and to sail through the swells of your feelings with grace. I can help you to truly internalize your worth and remind you of the power of your voice. I can connect you to your purpose.
I am your guide, witness, secret keeper, healer and personal cheerleader! I am here to walk you back home to yourself.
My coaching and teachings are a unique blend of the practical and "woo." After years of studying sensitivity and working with hundreds of women, I have seen the potent value in each. But I everything I do has a touch of magic. I go deep. There is no fluff here. You are welcome as ALL of who you are. Your darkness and your light. You will be held in understanding and love no matter where you are at. You will feel seen, heard, safe, worthy as we pull back the layers that are no longer serving you and build the deep roots that will. I will reflect back to you your brilliance and guide you to access your deepest soul expression and have the confidence and courage to be authentically you in the world.

The Mentorship is a combination of spirituality, lifestyle shifts, mindset, soul exploration and energy work through the framework of a unique methodology specifically designed to empower sensitive empaths. Each month starts out with a 90 minute group teaching/coaching Masterclass. You will receive an accompanying workbook with powerful exercises and journal prompts to guide you through the work as the month goes on.
Depending on the path you choose, you will then have either three sixty minute one on one video coaching sessions with Amber per month or two 30 minute video check in sessions per month. (Recordings are provided after each session for you to refer back to).
“I can’t even begin to describe the amount of appreciation I have for Amber and the work we did together in the Mentorship. I finally accepted that my feelings were 100% valid. Another huge shift for me is being able to say no. I used to be a HUGE people pleaser and would not do anything to rock the boat, which ultimately left me feeling angry and exhausted. Amber gave me the tools to say no without beating myself up. She gave me the courage to stand up for myself and advocate for my health. I’m not sure how I would have gotten through some of my lowest lows without her. I would recommend every person I know to work with Amber. She is so genuine and has the kindest heart of anyone I know. She is my biggest inspiration to work hard, be kind, and stay true to myself. Working with her was the best decision I ever made. ”
“Amber, thank you so much for your wisdom and your amazing teaching ability, for your kind spirit, for your genuine heart! I am so blessed that I found you and that you are more than anything I hoped for. I can’t believe how many breakthroughs I’ve had in the past few months while doing the coaching program with you. I lived completely unaware to why I couldn’t function and thrive and how to get out of whatever was draining me daily. I have grown more in a few months than I have in my entire lifetime. I am just so glad I went for it and committed to doing the Mentorship program with you and that it is actually so much more than I hoped for! It is literally worth everything! I am reborn. I will never be the same! I can’t tell you how priceless this is for me.”
“Being sensitive was always something that “had to be dealt with” as if it was a bad thing or something that needed to be changed. Now I feel it’s a good thing and it’s the way I am. With Amber, I couldn’t have imagined a better mentor. She has great input without judgement or needing to push. I’ve learned to accept myself, set boundaries and understand that I’ll be ok. I’m so glad I did this! Amber is really needed and working with her was the best thing I could have done for myself. She helped me through some of the most difficult periods in my life. She and the Mentorship were what I needed. Working with Amber has changed my life! So thankful I found her! ”
“Before the Mentorship, my sensitivity was often an embarrassment. I felt flawed and weak. Amber showed me how being highly sensitive is truly a super power. I’m now able to see how much my sensitivity helps me and those around me. I feel less upset when I’m misunderstood, less confused when my experience is different; it’s just that I perceive the world in a significantly different way. I felt close to Amber instantly. She understood what I was going through on a level I didn’t expect. She laughed and cried with me through difficult subjects and I felt safe and guided, like I’d finally found my people. I loved the group call topics we covered and it was so incredible to have the camaraderie of other sensitive women, to learn and grow together, to really know for the first time that I wasn’t the only one like this. After the Mentorship, I am so much more confident in my sensitivity. I am trusting my unique experiences for the first time in my life. I’m growing spiritually, feeling calmer, grounded and more connected.”
“Being an Empath and mom of two children, my physical health was depleting fast from being so vigilant and I started to seriously fear for my health and being there for my children. I didn’t know how to function. I was absolutely burdened by my sensitivity. I saw myself as very weak, vulnerable and disabled. But, Today I see what a GRAND gift it actually is. I now know how to operate in it in a healthy, fulfilling way. My favorite part of the Mentorship was Amber and her teaching. Her devotion and passion for my wellbeing and growth. I’ve never had someone see so deeply into my soul and know how to guide me out of the life long challenges and weaknesses. And being able to connect to other Empaths for support. The past 6 months have given me a solid core, an ability to embrace my identity and a strategy on how to live out of my freedom and strength. Amber has been a godsend and her mentorship was an answer to a life long cry of my heart. I can not even express how grateful I am. I feel like I have been given NEW LIFE and FREEDOM.”
Path 1 enrollment:
I’m ready! Let’s do this!
(For the woman who wants to learn this magic and practice on her own, with a loving cushion of added support)
Access to group calls, accompanying workbooks, and private Facebook group for community and added support (participation optional but highly encouraged.) Plus two 30 minute video coaching sessions with Amber per month.
- One additional 60 minute kick off call in February.
- Powerful pre-work to get you seeing change ASAP.
- $250 per month
- Pay in full: $1,400 (save $100)
Due to the intimate nature of this program, spaces are very limited. The Mentorship begins on February 3rd, 2020.
Path 2 enrollment:
** VIP! ** I am SO 100% committed!
(For the woman who is all in, who is ready to manifest radical change and results in a short period of time, with a loving guide walking beside them each step of the way.)
Access to group calls, accompanying workbooks, and private Facebook group for community and added support (participation optional but highly encouraged.) Plus three 60 minute video coaching sessions with Amber per month.
- Powerful pre-work to get you seeing change ASAP.
- Email and Voxer voice coaching support with Amber for the duration of the program, so you are fully supported and held through your journey.
- A Sensitive Badass® T-shirt or tank of your choice
- $550 per month
- Pay in full: $3,000 (save $300)
Due to the intimate nature of this program, spaces are very limited. The Mentorship begins on February 3rd, 2020.
Let’s chat!

Frequently Asked Questions!!!
I know what it’s like to desperately want to join a program and then see the price and have an “oh, shit” moment. I have SO been there. Yet I have also invested thousands up thousands of dollars in my own personal growth. Why? Because I know that the benefits of work like this extend FAR beyond that initial investment. I would not be the happy, whole, purposeful woman I am today without the healing work I’ve done for myself.
We all want a shortcut to feel better. But the truth is that this work IS the shortcut. There is no way out but through, and to get to where you want to be you have to face what is blocking your path. The freedom on the the other side is so beyond worth it. You have to look not just at the cost of investing in yourself, but the cost of NOT investing in yourself. What could you do with your energy and time if you were able to transform your limiting beliefs, be free from exhaustion and overwhelm, and feeling so confident and purposeful you’re on fire! What would it do for the rest of your life if you knew had the tools to navigate whatever came your way?
The financial investment for this lasts 6 months, the results last a LIFETIME.
I have never seen anyone do this work and not come out profoundly more healed and happy. You just have to say yes. Say yes to YOU, say yes to believing these things could be true for you, and then watch the magic unfold. This is an investment, true- by can you afford to keep waiting? You need you. Your purpose needs you. And this whole world needs you - ALL of you.
FOR VIP GALS: Logistically it is 90 minutes the first week of each month and then one hour each of the following weeks for private sessions. However, you will be given journal prompts and exercises to accelerate and amplify our work together. I highly recommend you make those a priority to get the most out of the Mentorship. But, the effort you put in outside of our calls is 100% up to you.
FOR SELF STUDY GALS: Logistically it is 90 minutes the first week of each month and then two half hour private sessions per month. However, you will be given journal prompts and exercises to accelerate and amplify our work together. I highly recommend you make those a priority to get the most out of the Mentorship. But, the effort you put in outside of our calls is 100% up to you.
I, of course, am an HSP and Empath too, and I understand new people and groups can be intimidating. The goal of the group aspect of the Mentorship is to provide a tight knit, safe community where you can lift each other up and cheer each other on as you go through the journey together. Participation in the Facebook group is optional, but HIGHLY recommended. Growth doesn’t thrive in isolation. If you are uncomfortable, however, we will work through this together and as your coach I am here to support you through this process.
If you are on the fence and unsure if the Mentorship is the right fit for you (or which path to take), I encourage you to schedule a consultation call with me HERE. Together we can chat through where you’re at, where you’re wanting to go, and if the Mentorship is the right solution for you at this time.
I received my Transformational Life Coaching Certification in 2013 through the accredited Seattle Life Coach Training. I have since done countless coaching and leadership trainings, including Gabrielle Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Lives I & II. I have worked with hundreds of sensitive empathic women and facilitated life changing results. I have also walked this journey myself. I have worked with incredible therapists and coaches of my own in my healing journey. I know what it feels like to dive into this work and open your heart to it. I can promise you 100% that you will be in safe hands.
Wait! You haven’t even started yet… and you’re already looking for the exit? ;) Don’t worry… we’ll work through that too!